We are seeking an individual with similar values, a passion for learning and an interest in making a meaningful contribution to consulting projects and our overall...
We are seeking an individual with similar values, a passion for learning and an interest in making a meaningful contribution to consulting projects and our overall...
Recently announced changes to CADTH’s Reimbursement Review submission requirements, effective October 2022 necessitates completion of the Sponsor Summary of Clinical Evidence template. The new clinical evidence template is comprehensive, including but not limited to: background information on the clinical condition, current treatment paradigm, unmet need, and place in therapy methods and findings of a systematic literature search for clinical trials of the drug under review summary of evidence from other…
Toronto, September 7, 2021 – MORSE Consulting is pleased to announce the addition of Katherine Scott as a Consultant. The Canadian public system remains one of the critical payers in this country’s pharmaceutical reimbursement pathway. This system is growing increasingly complex with new funding mechanisms for emerging gene and cell therapies, novel approaches related to outcomes-based agreements, evolving policies related to biosimilars, and variations in how provincial payers implement pCPA…
Toronto, May 4th, 2021 – MORSE Consulting is pleased to release their 2021 edition of the Canadian Reimbursement and Forecasting Timelines (CRaFT) report - a comprehensive source of reimbursement timelines and insights to inform forecasting and planning needs. MORSE has analyzed Canadian market access data from 2018 through 2020 to produce key reimbursement metrics. The report will support forecasting or planning necessary for launch in Canadian by providing critical insights on the public…
Introduction The Canadian Association for Healthcare Reimbursement (CAHR) held its first virtual Market Access 201 conference on November 24, 2020. Members of the MORSE team attended this conference and have prepared a brief summary of the key highlights. Disclaimer: Please note, this summary is based on our team’s interpretation of the discussion. Session 1. Keynote: Evolution of HTA in United States and the Impact on International Markets …
Toronto, September 9, 2020 – MORSE Consulting is pleased to announce that Sal Cimino has joined our team as Senior Consultant, Private Drug Plans. The private payer market is playing an increasingly important role in ensuring a product’s reimbursement success in Canada. With the introduction of new specialty biologics and gene therapies, private payers are turning to new cost containment strategies that strongly resemble the public payer market. Private payers…
Consultations on Enhanced and Aligned Review Processes and Program Updates. CADTH released its Pharmaceutical Reviews Update — Issue 16 on June 25, 2020. It includes two consultations with respect to enhanced and aligned review processes, in addition to program update announcements. Highlights of the consultations and program updates are described below. Topic MORSE Note Consultations – Feedback due to CADTH by August 10, 2020 Consultation on Alignment of…
CADTH recently released their annual business plan for 2020-2021. In this, the last year of their three-year strategic plan, CADTH aims to deliver on a number of priority initiatives, several of which may have implications for industry, as described below. 1) Operationalize the Life Cycle Approach to Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Under this priority initiative, CADTH signals their continued commitment to the life cycle approach to HTA via: enhancement…
CADTH released its Pharmaceutical Reviews Update — Issue 15 on April 29, 2020. Please find below MORSE Consulting’s summary of this update. Topic MORSE Note 1. COVID-19 Update CADTH will continue to deliver on core activities, including the completion of ongoing drug reviews and initiation of new reviews in accordance with target timelines, and progress reports will continue to be posted on the CADTH website. Pre-submission and expert committee meetings…
Toronto, April 27, 2020 – MORSE Consulting is pleased to release our April 2020 Update to the Canadian Reimbursement Trends and Timelines report – a comprehensive, credible and relevant source of market access intelligence. This 50+ PowerPoint report is aimed at assisting market access professionals plan for future launches and also serves as a valuable education tool for both internal and external stakeholders. What’s New in the April 2020 Update?…
Toronto, February 18, 2020 – MORSE Consulting is pleased to expand and strengthen our service offering with the addition of Anita Carrie and Roy Cairns. Affordability of effective and innovative medications within the current Canadian public funding model is becoming very challenging for the healthcare system. Increasing budgetary constraints coupled with complex treatments requiring consideration of different sources and levels of evidence are an issue for all stakeholders. To help…
Summary of CADTH Drug Portfolio Information Session Date: Monday, November 25, 2019 Time: 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm On November 25, 2019, CADTH hosted two information sessions in Toronto, Ontario for their Medical Device and Drug Portfolios. These annual sessions are an opportunity for stakeholders to get the latest information about priority initiatives and process changes. The summary below is separated into the following sections: Welcome and Strategic Overview…
Development of a framework for the generation and use of Real-World Evidence for cancer drug funding. The CanREValue Collaboration hosted a webinar on November 6, 2019 to introduce their preliminary framework and to outline the Stakeholder Feedback process. The slide deck that was presented, along with a recording can be accessed from the CanREValue website. The purpose of the CanReValue Collaboration is to develop a framework for Canadian provinces…